Scholarship Opportunities For International Students

NEDFC has helped many talented International Students to ACHIEVE their education GOALS in CANADA with our Scholarships Opportunities. APPLY today to check for ELIGIBILITY!

Why Does NEDFC Give Scholarship Opportunities To International Students?

NEDFC loves cultural diversity and knows that foreign students can bring their culture, customs, beliefs and many other benefits to their Ontario communities. With this in mind, NEDFC is willing to extend large scholarships to international students. In fact, in many cases, foreign students receive even higher financial aid than Canadian local students.


The National Education Development Foundation of Canada (NEDFC), is a non-profit foundation promoting international education. NEDFC offers scholarships on a selective basis to high school level students globally. NEDFC scholarships provide opportunities for students who might not otherwise be able to afford an international education. 

NEDFC also funds special projects related to international education. NEDFC seeks to empower young people by fostering expanded global awareness and focused study in their specific fields of interest. 


To open doors to educational and personal growth for all international high school students who want to study


Through NEDFC’s support, every student will have the opportunity to achieve his/her highest potential.


The goal of National Education Development Foundation of Canada is to help enable all students to reach high levels of academic success achievement and to acquire the knowledge, skills and values they need to become responsible members of society.


To promote educational and cultural exchanges between Taiwan and Canada, and to offer the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) curriculum for Taiwanese high school students to pursue dual degrees, the National Education Development Foundation of Canada has collaborated with the Outstanding International Academy to establish the Taiwan-Canada Dual Degree Program (OSSD).

Objectives Of The Taiwan-Canada Dual Degree Program

  1. To provide a curriculum framework that meets the requirements of Taiwan’s current high school curriculum and the OSSD standards of Ontario, Canada, allowing Taiwanese students to obtain high school diplomas from both Taiwan and Canada upon graduation.


  1. To establish a comprehensive standardized online/offline (OMO) teaching mechanism to ensure the quality of courses and student learning outcomes, meeting the admission standards of top international universities.
  2. To develop a mechanism for cooperation among partner schools in Taiwan and provide teacher training to ensure that teachers in partner schools meet the teaching standards of the OSSD curriculum.

Program Structure


OSSD Course Requirements
    Students must complete 30 credits as required by the OSSD (including 18 compulsory credits and 12 elective credits), complete 40 hours of community service, and pass the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (or take the OLC4O course).


Course Design
Academic achievements in Taiwan can be recognized and converted into up to 24 credits. An additional 6 elective credits may be added according to different professional needs for higher education, enhancing the diversity of academic content across various disciplines.


Teaching Mode
The program adopts an online/offline (OMO) teaching model, combining synchronous/asynchronous online teaching with offline physical classes to meet the 110 hours per credit requirement. Bilingual classrooms are provided to ensure students understand and master the course content.


Learning Guidance
Provides online/offline (OMO) assignment grading and academic tutoring, with both online and offline mentors guiding students in utilizing digital platforms for self-directed learning and offering comprehensive learning support.


According to OSSD standards, each credit course is evaluated based on 70% assignments and 30% final assessments, ensuring the courses meet OSSD standards.


Dual Degree Awarding
Students who complete both the Taiwanese high school and OSSD course requirements will receive high school diplomas from both Taiwan and Canada. If students perform exceptionally well upon entry, they may obtain the OSSD certificate early through planned courses.


College Admission Counseling
For those aiming for higher education, guidance is provided to help students with an OSSD certificate apply to top international universities. During the learning process, students are encouraged to participate in the University of Toronto camps to experience local study life and culture.


Teacher Training
To ensure the quality of online/offline teaching, teacher training is provided to partner schools. Teachers who complete the training will receive a training certificate.

The funding required for this program will be provided by the Foundation.


National Education Development Foundation of Canada (NEDFC) scholarship are offered to high school students interested in studying in Canada and are based on the availability of funds, number of students applying, and the quality of the application. Completed NEDFC Scholarship Applications must be submitted by each academic year’s enrollment deadlines.
NEDFC also funds special projects related to international education. NEDFC seeks to empower young people by fostering expanded global awareness and focused study in their specific fields of interest. 


Are you an International student? Are you an Athlete? Are you gifted in the Arts? Do you have strong Academic scores? Do you want to graduate from a Canadian High School? Then we can HELP YOU!!



Jun, a student of ours from Shanghai China, wanted to come to Canada. for his last 2 years of high school. He was concerned about the $58,000 tuition payment required at the school he wanted. NEDFC was able to place him in the school of his dreams for $23,000! Jun is now enrolled in a University studying Communications. LET US HELP YOU!



Each applicant must apply in writing to NEDFC and include:
  • Completed application form;
  • An essay providing responses to 2 of 5 questions chosen by the NEDFC Committee up to a maximum of 500 words combined.
  • A letter of recommendation from a teacher or school administrator.


Applications are to be submitted to:
  • NEDFC Scholarship Committee
    Unit 907, 7191 Yonge St. Markham, Ontario , Canada. L3T 0C4
  • Email:
  • Telephone: 1-416-262-7405


Each applicant must apply in writing to NEDFC and include:
  • Completed application form;
  • An essay providing responses to 2 of 5 questions chosen by the NEDFC Committee up to a maximum of 500 words combined.
  • A letter of recommendation from a teacher or school administrator.


Applications are to be submitted to:
  • NEDFC Scholarship Committee
    Unit 907, 7191 Yonge St. Markham, Ontario , Canada. L3T 0C4
  • Email:
  • Telephone: 1-416-262-7405

Begin your adventure of studying in Canada, discover an incredible experience and a future opportunity!


Scholarship Programme for International Students in Ontario (SPISO)

The NEDFC Scholarship Program has reached sponsorship support with different ministry inspected high school and school board. The foundation is pleased to sponsor scholarships, research, student competitions, and other educational events of Ontario high school beginning on September 1st, 2023 and ending on August 31st, 2024.

The purpose of SPISO is to promote excellence in Secondary School by awarding scholarships to extraordinary students, irrespective of their families’ financial status.

SPISO Scholarships are normally awarded to students in their final four years of school. Students awarded scholarships are expected to complete High School at authorized schools.

SPISO awards two kinds of scholarship: academic scholarships and merit scholarships, which are intended to inspire and nurture exceptional talents for students who embody and exemplify the mission and vision of NEDFC.

Academic scholarships are awarded annually as determined by academic achievement and academic potential. Merit scholarships are awarded annually on the basis of evidence of high achievement and outstanding academic or non-academic potential in a specific area of endeavor in the fields of sport, writing, the arts, mathematics, science, and technology.

Eligibility of Candidates

Applications are invited both for students currently enrolled at authorized Ontario high school and for students who are planning to be enrolled in Ontario Highschool. Students of all nationalities from Grades 9 to 12 are eligible to apply.


Students applying for a SPISO scholarship are required to:

Write a one-page essay or written personal statement that indicates why the student believes that he/she should receive a SPISO scholarship award and that addresses how the student will contribute as an alumnus after graduation, including the student’s achievements and aspirations.

SPISO Program candidates should specifically refer to how they will embody the spirit of the program and justify how they will excel in a specialization of their choice.

The student is also required to have two faculty members submit letters of recommendation, including:

In addition to the essay and letters of recommendation, the selection process includes a panel interview.

Academic scholarships

The award of academic scholarships is based upon the following selection process, criteria and provision of relevant documents:

Examinations or equivalent:
  • Written examinations in English and Mathematics
  • IELTS score
  • A written and oral examination in Mandarin Chinese or other language as appropriate
  • Oral English assessment
A written personal statement from the student who is seeking to be granted scholarship. The student should include how the student will contribute as an alumnus/after graduation. It should also include the student’s achievements and aspirations. In addition, SPISO Program candidates should specifically refer to how they will embody the spirit of the program and justify why they will excel in a specialization of their choice.

Previous school records and, as applicable, public examination results.

At least two letters of reference (Academic and Character).

Exemplifies and embodies NEDFC mission and vision;

An interview by the Scholarship Committee.

Once awarded, a scholarship is renewed annually until the student graduates from authorized school, subject to an annual review of student progress based on the following criteria:

Excellent end of year academic progress reports.

The award of Honors or High Honors for each semester.

Outstanding service to the community.

Exemplary behavior towards teachers, peers, and other members of the community.

Merit Scholarships

Merit Scholarships are awarded in the fields of sports, writing, the arts, mathematics, science, and technology. A merit scholarship application includes the provision of:

  • A portfolio of demonstrated achievement including but not limited to certificates, letters of commendation, testimonials, published work, photographic and video evidence.
  • A written personal statement from the student who is seeking to be granted a scholarship. The statement should include how the student will contribute as an alumnus/after graduation as well as the student’s achievements and aspirations (process, documents material). In addition, SPISO Program candidates should specifically refer to how they will embody the spirit of the program and justify why they will excel in a specialization of their choice.
  • Previous school records and, as applicable, public examination results.
  • Two Letters of reference (Merit and Character).

The award of merit scholarships is based upon the following selection process and criteria:

Evidence of excellence in the area of itself.

Observations of the student’s performance in the area of talent by a faculty member with expertise in the area of talent specified by the student. (process, documents material).

Exemplifies and embodies NEDFC and OIA mission and vision.

Interview by the Scholarship Committee and a faculty member with expertise in the area of talent specified by the candidate.

Once awarded, a merit scholarship is renewed annually until the student graduates from OIA, subject to an annual review of student progress based on:


Evidence of continuing excellence in the specific area of merit.


Evidence of willingness to nurture others in the specific area of merit (e.g. Leading an Enrichment Activity).


Service to the community through performance in the special area of merit.


Excellent end of year academic achievement report.


Exemplary behavior towards teachers, peers and other member of the OIA community.


NEDFC insists on maintaining a minimal administration cost policy, so the help and support of our volunteers are vital to this objective. Thus, the recruitment of more volunteers is an ongoing priority. We urgently need your participation to become a volunteer.

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